Get your FREE Yoga for the Vagina Starter’s Sequence now!


Say hello!

Drop me an email as I love hearing your positive stories and experiences, however please know that due to the sheer number of people exploring this practice, I am currently unable to offer free email support and guidance.

If you have a question about Yoga for the Vagina or how to use the Jade Egg, please visit the FAQ page first, to see if I can help you there. If you need further guidance you’ll find plenty of juicy information and material in the Yoga for the Vagina online series.

Want me to run a live Yoga for the Vagina workshop to ladies in your area? Send me an invite and let’s see if we can make it happen!

I look forward to receiving your sharings, invitations and heart-felt love soon!

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Please be sure to whitelist the email so you receive my reply. If you don’t get a return email within 3 business days of contacting me, please check your Spam folder in case it landed there.

I’d also love to get to know you on social media! Connect with me through Getting Naked

Be kind to YOU because you’re sooooo worth it!

Hearts and Kisses, Tamra xx

P.S. Have you tried Yoga for the Vagina yet? Get started TODAY…

Get your FREE Yoga for the Vagina Starter’s Sequence now!