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Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve popped by this page, chances are you’re intrigued to know more about Yoga for the Vagina and what it can bring to YOUR life. I created Yoga for the Vagina as your one-stop yoga practice to fully immerse yourself into who you are at your core; Love! So if you need to know a little more about what that might look like for you, I’ve answered 42 of the most Frequently Asked Questions about the online series and the Jade Egg, so you can see if you’re ready to step into YOUR fullness.

Jade Egg specific questions…

If you’d like a free taste of the Yoga for the Vagina practice, simply pop your details in the pink box below to be sent the starter’s sequence so you can begin today. Or if you’re ready for a full immersion, then purchase your Yoga for the Vagina full online women’s series NOW!

Every time you do a Yoga for the Vagina sequence, you are giving yourself a deep healing.

Get your FREE Yoga for the Vagina Starter’s Sequence now!